Comments for William Easdown Babb Space, photography and projects galore Tue, 15 Sep 2020 14:45:24 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Touring Mission Control: My Trip to EUMETSAT by weasdown Mon, 18 Jun 2018 08:19:55 +0000 In reply to Joshua Bennett.

Indeed, it was a fantastic opportunity that I’m very grateful to the team for giving me! And yes, companies across industries should open themselves up more to inquisitive students who are trying to learn about what it’s like to work there.

Comment on Touring Mission Control: My Trip to EUMETSAT by Joshua Bennett Sun, 17 Jun 2018 19:28:00 +0000 I am unashamedly jealous of the opportunities you’ve had! It’s fantastic that EUMETSAT offered you the chance to tour their facilites and for you to have the kind of access they gave you. It’s opportunities like these that can provide young people with the inspiration they need to complete the last step of their formal education and begin a career in a field that is truly beneficial to the both the world and, no less, to themselves. Keep going!
