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This page has links to download reports I’ve written for my university projects and papers I’ve authored or co-authored for conferences. If you’d like to know more about any of the documents on this page, feel free to get in touch via my contact form.

Project reports

Cranfield University MSc Individual Research Project

The largest component of my Cranfield MSc was an Individual Research Project (IRP). After discussion with Dr Felicetti who’d supervised my GDP team, we chose a custom topic for the IRP, which focussed on mission, navigation and robotics design for an on-orbit servicing spacecraft.

Cranfield University MSc Group Design Project

A large component of my MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering course at Cranfield University was a Group Design Project (GDP) working with 14 other students. I took on the role of lead systems engineer, with our team designing a constellation of satellites to track resident space objects (satellites and debris) to aid space traffic management and space situational awareness.


Cranfield GDP paper for IAC 2020

With the support of our supervisor, Dr Leonard Felicetti, my GDP team submitted a paper to the IAC 2020 “CyberSpace Edition” and the associated special edition of the journal Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology. The paper gives a summary of our constellation for space traffic management and describes how we achieve our objectives using an innovative optical payload design. You can download the paper and presentation slides below, with the presentation video available on the IAC 2020 website by browsing to the student competition section.

A paper based on the project was also published open access in the journal Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology.

UKSEDS Student Space Symposium IRP paper

At the UKSEDS Student Space Symposium 2020 (SSS2020) I gave a 10-minute presentation based on my IRP thesis, discussing a mission architecture and hardware design for on-orbit servicing. You can watch the presentation on YouTube and download the associated paper below.

The paper is being published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS) but will be unavailable from this website for a year after publication. You should instead find it on the JBIS website.

RAL Space CubeSat Camera – iCubeSat Conference 2018, Paris

As part of my BEng course, I undertook a year placement as an electronic engineering sandwich student at RAL Space. One of my projects while working there was the CubeSat Camera, CCAM, which I worked on as part of a small team. We delivered a presentation and presented a paper on our work at the iCubeSat Conference in Paris in 2018. You can find the paper and presentation below and a recording of us giving the presentation on the iCubeSat website.